Questions and tasks for application process 2017/18

Participant application process 18/19

Part 1 (first delivery) Open 25th of July, close 30th of Aug

1. Registration (SELF-LEADERSHIP)

Applier answering some basic questions


To gather basic information

See if the applicant is aligned with our profile

Get an understanding of the applicant's ability to influence oneself (thoughts, feelings, will, behaviour); to cope with everyday life, performance, growth, and moral maturation.

Based upon this years profile and 1st learning outcome area, self-leadership:

  1. Name

  2. Birth

  3. Phone number

  4. Country/ city/ place

  5. Spoken languages

  6. 1st choice of admission

  7. 2nd choice of admission

  8. What do you want to accomplish by becoming a participant at Future Leaders Academy?

(To better understand why the applicant has applied)

  1. How will you devote yourself to accomplish this at Future Leaders Academy?

(To better understand how important it is for the applicant to join FLA. Dedication, discipline and consistency is hard work and important in development and learning)

2. Describe your daily habits?

( To better understand the hole picture of the person, does the applicant live an aligned life)

3. Describe your strengths and weaknesses, how does these influence you as a leader?

( To better understand the applicants view of oneself, know who they are individually and in relations with others, show level of self- awareness)

4. What do you vision for yourself in 2028? How will you make that vision happen?

( To better understand the applicant's impact potential in the future)

5. Tell us about your best leadership experience, and why this was your best experience?

(The main reason for this question is to map out the applicants level, and will be more used as a tool when mapping out the teams, to create dynamic and diverse groups)

6.What do you like to do outside work/ school? And why?

( To better understand what create balance in the applicants life)

7. Tell us about a time you felt resistance when reaching towards accomplishing something, and how you dealt with that resistance?

( To better understand of the applicant's ability to be antifragile and action minded)

8.How do you practise balance between the important things in your life?

( To better understand how the applicant practise balance)

9. How do you commit to diversity, and how do you apply that commitment into your everyday life?

( To better understand the applicant's level intercultural empathy and divers outlook, ability to have a global mindset)

10. What is important for you to accelerate fast in a learning space, and how will you adapt and commit that into learning and developing at Future Leaders Academy?

( To better understand the applicant’s awareness and ability to be a fast paced learner)

2. Task delivery (LEADERSHIP)


The applicant choose to deliver written or oral


This to get a deeper understanding of the person

See if the applicant is aligned with our profile

Get an understanding of the applicant's ability to foster and build healthy relations and collaborations in community and organisational life; applicants in relation to others.


You are Director for a non-profit organization, the organization's vision and goal is based upon one of the 17 UN development goals and work active to achieve and support that goal.

  • What is the goal and why did you choose that specific goal?

Share a bit about your leadership strategy with us, how will you:

  • Build room for vulnerability and trust amongst volunteers?

  • Open for passionate debates around issues that can lead to conflict in a diverse work environment?

A conflict occurred between two in the organization, you listen and try to understand each side of the conflict.

  • How will you require clarity from the conflict and move the team towards a common agreed decision?

  • What learning do you take from the conflict?

  • How do you create an work environment where volunteers occurs even more direct among their peers in the future?

Based upon trust and team collaboration your organization have reached their first result towards their goal. Congrats, so have you, by delivered part 1 of the application process :)

Part 2 (second delivery) 8sep

3. Case (IMPACT)


To simulate an volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous situation that you might encounter as a leader out in the world. Where you have to navigate a complex problem with your team to reach an unknown goal. We do this to practice leadership competencies needed in the 21st century.


Observe how the the applicant collaborate in team

The applicants will after the case be divided into groups of 8 people, where they answer these questions connected to the case

This group session will start with a check-in

  • Each applicant will present themselves and there will be room for a conversation about VUCA and their experience with the game. Then they have to answer these questions written:

  • How did you coordinate to solve the challenges in VUCA?

  • How did you best make use of the competencies and resources present in the room?

  • How did you support and relate to others, communicate and collaborate to reach the collective goal during the case?

  • How did you lead yourself and how did you lead others?

This group session will end with a check-out

The papers will then be handed to the FL volunteer who facilitated the conversation, and he/she together with another FL volunteer evaluate the 8 answers on behalf of the profile description.

A list over who is qualified or not will be gathered by the head of org, all qualified will be listed and the groups for the program will be sat on behalf of the listed personal vibes and skills in Podio

Part 3

4. The call

When the person has been to VUCA, Future Leaders will call all volunteers if they are further and ask if he/she has any question and talk a bit more about FL.


Last updated