How to prepp a Future Leaders program

In this guide, you'll find all the information you need to set up this year's Future Leaders program in your city. Look at this as your guide on how to spend your time before the first gathering.


Welcome to this handbook! We are super happy to have you on our team, and therefore we hope to make it as easy as possible for you to find good solutions for this crazy adventure! Future Leaders exists to help youth coming together to create a better tomorrow through leadership!

In this handbook we have used experiences and previous fails to create a “best practice” on what should be done before the first gathering based on the knowledge we have today. This serves as a guide and not a law. We trust you to make your own decisions and do what you think is right.

How to use it

The handbook suggests processes, leadership tricks and deadlines you should keep to have the smoothest possible run.

On the left side you'll find all different categories. All content under "How to prepp Future Leaders program" is specifically designed for the process the 4-5 moths before the first gathering.

If you need further information you'll find it in the same menu.

Start on the top and work your way down. We suggest you start by reading everything to get a overview and then use it as a encyclopedias based on your needs.

Last updated