How to market your program
To get cool applicants - people must know about Future Leaders. On this site, you'll find everything you need to know about marketing of the application process.
Before each program start we have a extra push, fronting a marketing campaign for the program. This is a team effort where both local teams and international teams are key players.
International team
Creating the strategy for the campaign
Creating content for the campaign
Running social media
Local team
Giving the international team insight on how to target relevant candidates on social media.
Publishing FL material on relevant groups ++ on social media
Getting participants and pioners to recommend on social media
Physical events and talks about the program
Important dates 2018/2019 program
Launch New website: July 3rd
Start marketing campaign: July 13th
Marketing kit for cities launched: July 15th
Application process opens: July 25th
Intense marketing periode: August 14th - August 30th
Strategy for program 2018/19
Text brand guidelines
Visual brand guidelines
Social media
Last updated