Templates contact with speakers
Request mail
What - This is an email template to use to recruit a speaker for your Future Leaders gathering.Why - You will be needing different speakers for each gathering.When - Suggested all is booked by september Instructions1 - NO NEED TO REQUEST ACCESS, JUST MAKE A COPY2 - Edit everything that is highlighted in red with the relevant info
Hi _____________,
I’m currently organizing a Future Leaders Gathering in [city], set to take place on [start date - end date] at [venue]. Future Leaders is a global grassroots movement of empowered young leaders who are working with some of the biggest challenges of our global society. We gather the most talented youth in Oslo, Barcelona, Stockholm, Copenhagen and Bergen and take them through a one year program focusing on self management, leadership, impact and sustainability.
Given your background in [LEADERSHIP/IMPACT/SELF-LEADERSHIP] We would be honored if you would agree to speak at our event. Take a look at other speakers and ambassadors here.
At past Future Leaders gatherings, we have found the most effective speakers talk for about 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A. The subject of the talk is supposed to be [LEADERSHIP/IMPACT/SELF-LEADERSHIP], and the effect we are looking for is [...........]
As Future Leaders is a non profit organization we’re unable to pay, but would love to help with whatever you need.
Hope that you’re able to join, Thank you very much for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards
Skippergata 22 | 0153 OSLO
PB 228 Sentrum | 0103 Oslo
Confirmation mail
Dear ------, Thank you so much for your interest in CITY Future Leaders. We have a full agenda for the weekend and are pleased to be kicking the event off on DATE at TIME.
Your talk is scheduled for ______ PM, please arrive at LOCATION at least 20 minutes prior to this time. [INCLUDE PARKING INFO / MAPS IF NECESSARY.]
Please email me the following:
Title of your talk
A profile photo
A short biography (please limit to 250 words)
Current business title
If you have any of the following: Twitter handle, Linkedin public profile URL, Facebook public profile URL, Github public profile URL
Any websites or blog links you’d like linked to your bio
If for any reason you are unable to attend, please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks again for your support of our young game changers. I look forward to seeing you at Future Leaders.
Best regards
Skippergata 22 | 0153 OSLO
PB 228 Sentrum | 0103 Oslo
Last updated